
December 13, 2013

In My Day, We Called It "Being A Spoiled Little Shit"

So it's pretty hard to read a news site or turn on the television without hearing about the spoiled little shit who killed four people while driving drunk and only got probation. The reason? He suffered from (and I am not making this up) "Affluenza". According to his attorneys, the spoiled little shit named Ethan Couch was brought up in a consequence-free environment by his parents. And the judge bought into it. And so now in Texas a spoiled little shit is free while an entire family was buried. All because his parents are apparently worthless when it comes to actually being parents.

What a spoiled little shit looks like

And what did this spoiled little shit do before he killed four people?

Earlier on the night of the accident, June 15, Couch and some friends had stolen beer from a local Walmart. Three hours after the crash, tests showed he had a blood alcohol content of 0.24, three times the legal limit, according to the district attorney's office.
But hey, he grew up under the non-existent thumb of over-permissive rich douchebags. So he must not be able to use logic, comprehend basic concepts of right and wrong, or rationalize that it's wrong to steal beer and drive drunk. Let alone kill people. Probation for all!

Wonder how this would have gone down if a poor, black kid had killed four people? I think we all know probation wouldn't be on the table.

December 10, 2013

People Are Insane

So a few months back I mentioned there is a new drug making the rounds called Krokodil. It's a mixture of codeine and harmless things like gasoline or paint thinner. It has one major side effect: your skin falls off.

Of course it comes from Russia, where they'll apparently drink or inject anything for a momentary high. But to their credit, at least they didn't shoot the drug into their genitals. Because, y'know, your skin falls off

According to José Sotero Ruiz Hernández, an official with Mexico's National Institute of Migration, a 17-year-old girl in Puerto Vallarta presented lacerations to her genitals that she said were caused by her addiction to krokodil.

"The young woman who used this drug had an infection that had rotted her genitals. It wasn't sexually transmitted. She said she'd been using krokodil for the last two months," Hernandez said, according to a Huffington Post translation of Mexican newspaper El Periodico Correo.

It's not like it's hard to find out that this shit rots your skin. How far past the pale do you have to be to willing shoot a flesh-rotting cocktail of crap into your business?

Oh, here's why they do it:

It is significantly cheaper than heroin, and reportedly ten times as potent.

I guess in their minds, the "cheap high > rotting junk" equation makes sense.