November 15, 2013

Fifty Shades of Acyclovir

When you really think about it, this story isn't all that surprising.
Two Belgian university professors decided to apply their knowledge of toxicology screenings to the 10 most borrowed books at the Antwerp library.


While the experts found that all 10 books contained traces of cocaine–enough so that people who touched the books wouldn’t feel the effects, but might test positive for the drug–they also found something pretty gross: Fifty Shades of Grey, your weird aunt’s favorite mainstream erotic series, tested positive for traces of the herpes virus.

First of all...gross, Belgium. Really, really gross.

Second...I shudder to think what we would find on a book in a library in New York or Dallas or any other major US metropolitan area.

Third...Books are for reading, people. Not some coke-fueled herpes party.


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